Macros to toggle paragraph styles allow us to keep our fingers on the keyboard more. It’s much faster than the mouse for many tasks (but definitely not all). These functions enable several style toggle macros.
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Toggle Paragraph Styles Function
When editing, it’s often convenient to quickly change paragraph styles. For example, a standard Microsoft Word keyboard shortcut Command+Shift+N on Mac (or Control+Shift+N on Windows) applies the Normal style to the current paragraph. Taking this a step further, grouping two or three related styles together allows us to use keyboard shortcuts to access more styles faster saving us time while editing.
This is more of a workhorse function. No one is clamoring for a VBA function to toggle paragraph styles, but several related editing macros will benefit from it.
Function skeleton
We’ll create two versions, one for toggling between two different paragraph styles and another for cycling between three. The function skeletons are:
An underscore _ character tells the VBA editor that you are just continuing the same step on the line below usually to make it easier for humans to read. VBA does not care as far as interpreting the steps.
What parameters?
We accept a Paragraph variable for which we’ll toggle the paragraph style. We’ll call the parameter wParagraph which is short for “which paragraph.”
We then need two (or three) styles for the paragraph style toggle. One style will be applied to the paragraph if it initially has any style other than StyleA. We’ll call the default StyleDefault. If these are confusing, just use StyleA, StyleB, and perhaps StyleC for the second function.
Cycling between more than three styles becomes annoying, but the pattern is easy if you wish to implement more.
Return values
I don’t think we would see riots in the streets if we made this a subroutine instead of a function (only functions return values). This function doesn’t really need to return anything important to be useful, but we’re changing the given paragraph’s style, so it might be helpful to let whoever know which style the function picked. They aren’t required to use the information anywhere.
As such, we’ll return the name of the chosen style based on the toggle. A style name is a plain text String variable. We could be fancy and return the corresponding Style object instead, but I think that is overdoing it. Just returning the plain text name is simple and sufficient.
Validations (no fun!)
Yeah, I know they aren’t fun, but enduring a little aggravation and extra work now will very likely save much more frustration later, so put on your big-boy (or girl) boots and tighten your belt.
What do we need to validate?
Is the given paragraph valid?
A Paragraph is an object in Word VBA which might not be assigned to anything in the document yet. If we tried to use it as such, the function would crash and pop up a mean message.
Fortunately, we’ve dealt with this situation several times before when working with ranges. Essentially, we check whether the wParagraph variable is Nothing (meaning it has yet to be assigned to a meaningful paragraph in the document). We use the “Is” operator (like a plus + sign for numbers but for VBA objects) to compare whether two objects are the same or whether one object Is currently Nothing.
This results in a Boolean value (True or False), so we can put it in a conditional statement. We can’t do anything if the paragraph variable isn’t assigned to a document paragraph, so we just exit the function.
Since the command is so simple, I like the more compact notation on one line.
What about the styles?
Styles are an awkward subject since VBA doesn’t give us tools to validate whether a style exists in the current document (well, not without being cumbersome and painfully slow). To rectify this, we can create our own. A previous article covered a function IsStyle to do just this.
We “pass” the function a plain text style name or one stored in a String variable as shown here. The function returns a True value if the style exists in the document or the current template (usually or False if not.
Style validations with IsStyle
We only want to exit the function if the style does not exist, so we include a Not “operator” with each style check. Remember a Not switches True and False values. Our two given styles from the function parameters are StyleA and StyleDefault.
Our second style check is:
If either style doesn’t exist, we need to exit the subroutine, or the style assignment later would crash the function along with whatever macro was calling it. The Or operator gives us a True result if either condition is True, so we combine the two conditions.
On a personal note, I avoided style validations for a long time, but I my style macros often crashed when I switched between documents. Now, they run more smoothly.
Combined style validation
We exit the function if this compound condition is True. The concise version is:
We could combine both validations (the paragraph and styles) into one conditional statement, but it looks a little messy, so I’m leaving them separated.
Changing a paragraph style
A Paragraph in VBA is an object with its own properties (data) and methods (actions). The style of the given paragraph wParagraph is easily accessed by referencing its Style property:
This technically refers to a Style Variant type, meaning in this case that it can refer to a Style object, a Style identifier, or a plain text name. The latter allows us to assign the style name directly to it.
StyleA is a plain text String variable, but VBA handles the details of actually applying the paragraph style in the background.
Style toggle
The toggle logic is straight forward, but you might squint a little bit as you read the description of it.
If the current paragraph style is already StyleDefault, then change it to StyleA. Otherwise change any other style to StyleDefault. A hybrid VBA-English conditional statement for this decision looks like:
Getting more VBA-ish, we check the paragraph style against StyleDefault. The condition is:
Technically, the left-hand side could refer to a Style object, a numeric identifier, or a plain text variable. VBA will decide which one by context based on the type of StyleDefault. Since StyleDefault is a String, it compares them as plain text. Does the plain text name of wParagraph.Style exactly match the String variable name?
The conditional statement is:
See this previous article if you would like a brief introduction the conditional statements in VBA.
Cycle variation
With the cycle between three styles, we essentially add a similar ElseIf condition in the middle to switch from StyleA to StyleB. The conditional statement is something like:
Converting this conceptual conditional statement to a VBA version for this function is:
Assign return value
We need to tell the user what style we changed the paragraph to be, so we set the function name to wParagraph’s Style property:
VBA will automatically interpret the Style property to be a plain text name because the function returns a String value.
Final Functions
Putting the steps together, our macro the toggle between two paragraph styles is:
Extending this macro to cycling between three styles, we have:
I find that trying to cycle between more than three styles is annoying, meaning a better solution probably exists at that point.
With statement?
The above functions are a tiny, itsy-bit less efficient with the repeated references to wParagraph.Style. You’d never notice a practical time difference in an editing macro, but all the wParagraph.Style references hanging around is also unsightly.
We could simplify the repeated references using an extra With statement and perhaps improve the presentation. Extracting the If statement and return value at the bottom of the second function, we would have:
I’m not impressed. Are you?
The above functions aren’t overly complicated as is, and this doesn’t seem much clearer than the original (maybe just an itsy-bit better). This version is ever so slightly more efficient, but I’m still inclined to leave the functions as originally presented. It was, however, instructive to see an alternative presentation option along with another example using a With statement.